To Make an Object Detect an Event

To make a Designer object detect an event, you add the event name as a property in the object's property list.

  1. Select the object in your Designer drawing.
  2. On the Object menu, click Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.
  3. Click New. The New Property dialog box opens.
  4. Type the name of the event (for example, OnMouseEnter) that you want the object to detect, and then click OK. The event is displayed as a new property of the object.

  5. Image
  6. Specify the object's response to the event. Click here for these steps.

See Also:

Introduction  |  << Setting the Way Objects Behave in the Browser  |  To Specify the Object's Response to the Event >>

"Developing Web Content with Micrografx QuickVector™," online version. © 1996 by Micrografx, Inc.